Template Expansion

This chapter will explain how the different parts of the templates are translated into Rust code.

⚠️ Please note that the generated code might change in the future so the following examples might not be up-to-date.

Basic explanations

When you add #[derive(Template)] and #[template(...)] on your type, the Template derive proc-macro will then generate an implementation of the askama::Template trait which will be a Rust version of the template.

It will also implement the std::fmt::Display trait on your type which will internally call the askama::Template trait.

Let's take a small example:

fn main() {
#[template(source = "{% set x = 12 %}", ext = "html")]
struct Mine;

will generate:

fn main() {
impl ::askama::Template for YourType {
    fn render_into(
        writer: &mut (impl ::std::fmt::Write + ?Sized),
    ) -> ::askama::Result<()> {
        let x = 12;
    const EXTENSION: ::std::option::Option<&'static ::std::primitive::str> = Some(
    const SIZE_HINT: ::std::primitive::usize = 0;
    const MIME_TYPE: &'static ::std::primitive::str = "text/html; charset=utf-8";

impl ::std::fmt::Display for YourType {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
        ::askama::Template::render_into(self, f).map_err(|_| ::std::fmt::Error {})

For simplicity, we will only keep the content of the askama::Template::render_into function from now on.

Text content

If you have "text content" (for example HTML) in your template:

<h1>{{ title }}</h1>

It will generate it like this:

fn main() {
            &::askama::MarkupDisplay::new_unsafe(&(self.title), ::askama::Html),

About MarkupDisplay: we need to use this type in order to prevent generating invalid HTML. Let's take an example: if title is "<a>" and we display it as is, in the generated HTML, you won't see <a> but instead a new HTML element will be created. To prevent this, we need to escape some characters.

In this example, <a> will become &lt;a&gt;. And this is why there is the safe builtin filter, in case you want it to be displayed as is.


Variables creation

If you create a variable in your template, it will be created in the generated Rust code as well. For example:

{% set x = 12 %}
{% let y = x + 1 %}

will generate:

fn main() {
let x = 12;
let y = x + 1;

Variables usage

By default, variables will reference a field from the type on which the askama::Template trait is implemented:

{{ y }}

This template will expand as follows:

fn main() {
            &::askama::MarkupDisplay::new_unsafe(&(self.y), ::askama::Html),

This is why if the variable is undefined, it won't work with Askama and why we can't check if a variable is defined or not.

You can still access constants and statics by using paths. Let's say you have in your Rust code:

fn main() {
const FOO: u32 = 0;

Then you can use them in your template by referring to them with a path:

{{ crate::FOO }}{{ super::FOO }}{{ self::FOO }}

It will generate:

fn main() {
            &::askama::MarkupDisplay::new_unsafe(&(crate::FOO), ::askama::Html),
            &::askama::MarkupDisplay::new_unsafe(&(super::FOO), ::askama::Html),
            &::askama::MarkupDisplay::new_unsafe(&(self::FOO), ::askama::Html),

(Note: crate:: is to get an item at the root level of the crate, super:: is to get an item in the parent module and self:: is to get an item in the current module.)

You can also access items from the type that implements Template as well using as Self::, it'll use the same logic.

Control blocks


The generated code can be more complex than expected, as seen with if/else conditions:

{% if x == "a" %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

It will generate:

fn main() {
if *(&(self.x == "a") as &bool) {
} else {

Very much as expected except for the &(self.x == "a") as &bool. Now about why the as &bool is needed:

The following syntax *(&(...) as &bool) is used to trigger Rust's automatic dereferencing, to coerce e.g. &&&&&bool to bool. First &(...) as &bool coerces e.g. &&&bool to &bool. Then *(&bool) finally dereferences it to bool.

In short, it allows to fallback to a boolean as much as possible, but it also explains why you can't do:

{% set x = "a" %}
{% if x %}
    {{ x }}
{% endif %}

Because it fail to compile because:

error[E0605]: non-primitive cast: `&&str` as `&bool`

if let

{% if let Some(x) = x %}
    {{ x }}
{% endif %}

will generate:

fn main() {
if let Some(x) = &(self.x) {
                &::askama::MarkupDisplay::new_unsafe(&(x), ::askama::Html),


{% for user in users %}
    {{ user }}
{% endfor %}

will generate:

fn main() {
    let _iter = (&self.users).into_iter();
    for (user, _loop_item) in ::askama::helpers::TemplateLoop::new(_iter) {
                    "\n    {0}\n",
                    &::askama::MarkupDisplay::new_unsafe(&(user), ::askama::Html),

Now let's see what happens if you add an else condition:

{% for user in x if x.len() > 2 %}
    {{ user }}
{% else %}
    {{ x }}
{% endfor %}

Which generates:

fn main() {
    let mut _did_loop = false;
    let _iter = (&self.users).into_iter();
    for (user, _loop_item) in ::askama::helpers::TemplateLoop::new(_iter) {
        _did_loop = true;
                    "\n    {0}\n",
                    &::askama::MarkupDisplay::new_unsafe(&(user), ::askama::Html),
    if !_did_loop {
                    "\n    {0}\n",

It creates a _did_loop variable which will check if we entered the loop. If we didn't (because the iterator didn't return any value), it will enter the else condition by checking if !_did_loop {.

We can extend it even further if we add an if condition on our loop:

{% for user in users if users.len() > 2 %}
    {{ user }}
{% else %}
    {{ x }}
{% endfor %}

which generates:

fn main() {
    let mut _did_loop = false;
    let _iter = (&self.users).into_iter();
    let _iter = _iter.filter(|user| -> bool { self.users.len() > 2 });
    for (user, _loop_item) in ::askama::helpers::TemplateLoop::new(_iter) {
        _did_loop = true;
                    "\n    {0}\n",
                    &::askama::MarkupDisplay::new_unsafe(&(user), ::askama::Html),
    if !_did_loop {
                    "\n    {0}\n",

It generates an iterator but filters it based on the if condition (users.len() > 2). So once again, if the iterator doesn't return any value, we enter the else condition.

Of course, if you only have a if and no else, the generated code is much shorter:

{% for user in users if users.len() > 2 %}
    {{ user }}
{% endfor %}

Which generates:

fn main() {
    let _iter = (&self.users).into_iter();
    let _iter = _iter.filter(|user| -> bool { self.users.len() > 2 });
    for (user, _loop_item) in ::askama::helpers::TemplateLoop::new(_iter) {
                    "\n    {0}\n",
                    &::askama::MarkupDisplay::new_unsafe(&(user), ::askama::Html),


Example of using the abs built-in filter:

{{ -2|abs }}

Which generates:

fn main() {

The filter is called with -2 as first argument. You can add further arguments to the call like this:

{{ "a"|indent(4) }}

Which generates:

fn main() {
                &(::askama::filters::indent("a", 4)?),

No surprise there, 4 is added after "a". Now let's check when we chain the filters:

{{ "a"|indent(4)|capitalize }}

Which generates:

fn main() {
                    &(::askama::filters::indent("a", 4)?),

As expected, capitalize's first argument is the value returned by the indent call.


This code:

{% macro heading(arg) %}
{% endmacro %}

{% call heading("title") %}


fn main() {
    let (arg) = (("title"));
                &::askama::MarkupDisplay::new_unsafe(&(arg), ::askama::Html),

As you can see, the macro itself isn't present in the generated code, only its internal code is generated as well as its arguments.