Debugging and Troubleshooting

You can view the parse tree for a template as well as the generated code by changing the template attribute item list for the template struct:

fn main() {
#[template(path = "hello.html", print = "all")]
struct HelloTemplate<'a> { ... }

The print key can take one of four values:

  • none (the default value)
  • ast (print the parse tree)
  • code (print the generated code)
  • all (print both parse tree and code)

The resulting output will be printed to stderr during the compilation process.

The parse tree looks like this for the example template:

[Lit("", "Hello,", " "), Expr(WS(false, false), Var("name")),
Lit("", "!", "\n")]

The generated code looks like this:

fn main() {
impl < 'a > ::askama::Template for HelloTemplate< 'a > {
    fn render_into(&self, writer: &mut ::std::fmt::Write) -> ::askama::Result<()> {
            "Hello, {expr0}!",
            expr0 = &::askama::MarkupDisplay::from(&,
    fn extension() -> Option<&'static str> {
impl < 'a > ::std::fmt::Display for HelloTemplate< 'a > {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
        ::askama::Template::render_into(self, f).map_err(|_| ::std::fmt::Error {})